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1-9-12 Library Commission Minutes
Monday, Jan.9th, 2012 @ 6:35pm
Raymond Library, 840 Main St. E. Hartford, CT 06108

PRESENT: Florence Schroeter, Rose Tavtigian, Debra Arrieta, Pat Jones, Librarian, Lisa McMahon, Gloria Visgilio-Lupi, and Charles Casella

ABSENCES: Viki Brinius, Tony Foran

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of Dec. 12, 2011 meeting were approved as submitted.

  • Mr. Jones, with great sorrow, reported the passing of Reference Librarian Sharon Jarush.  Ms. Jarush served the Library for more than 38years.A fitting tribute is contemplated
  • The Town and the Raymond Library Company continue discussions
  • concerning renewal of the Ninety Nine year lease
  • The Town is continuing it's review of the Library addition plans
  • The Library Budget for the upcoming fiscal year is being finalized prior to submission to the Town Council
  • A report for submission of the Library Commission's Budget for the next  fiscal year was received
  • A request for the following was received from the Town Clerk
        o Dates, Time, and Place of 2012 Commission Meetings
        o Name, Telephone #, Addresses and the term of each Commission

o None

  • Election of Officers
        o       Nominations were made from the floor as follows: Chairman: Charles Casella, Vice Chairman: none Secretary: none
o       The Chair was relinquished to Rose Tavtigian and the election was conducted. Charles Casella was elected as Chairman
o       There was discussion concerning the Commission Budget, consequently, the Commission voted as follows:
o       The Functions and Statutory responsibilities will read:
        "The Library Board shall, from time to time, confer with the Director of Libraries with respect to: the use of the Town's public Library facilities; the Director of Libraries annual proposed budget for Library services; the selection and acquisition of materials; the development, implementation and alteration of programs; and capitol planning. The Library Board shall confer with the Director of Libraries with respect to the acquisition and selection of Library materials and composition of Collections" "The Library Board and the Director of Libraries shall collaborate on the proposed annual Budget prior to submitting to the Mayor and shall have input to the evaluation of the facility, it's services, and the Director position and shall prepare an Annual Report of the State of the Libraries"

  • The Budget will be submitted with one Line Item $860.00 for Professional Development
  • The Capitol Budget will have one Line Item
                        $260,000.00Acquisitionof additional land for parking

  • The Commission voted that all meetings will be scheduled to begin at 6:30pm and will be held at the Raymond Library
ADJOURNMENT: The Commission adjourned at 8:14pm.